April 25, 2024• Load balancing • One Comment
April 3, 2024• DNS
The authoritative DNS server is the final holder of the IP of the domain you are looking for. When you write a domain name in your browser,...
March 26, 2024• DDoS, DNS, Internet
UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is one of the well-known protocols in network communications. Thanks to it, we are able to watch video...
March 26, 2024• DNS Records
March 21, 2024• DNS, Protection
DNS Monitoring can serve you and help you detect unwanted issues. As you probably know, the Internet would not function in such an easy and...
March 19, 2024• Tools
Today we will add one more handy DNS tool – Host command on Linux. For the purpose, we will use the latest Linux Mint 19.1 (based on...
March 8, 2024• CDN
March 7, 2024• DNS • 2 Comments
Navigating the world of DNS and network management can often feel like a complex puzzle, especially when things don’t work as...
February 21, 2024• CDN
Everybody uses CDN (Content Delivery Network). YouTube, Amazon, Netflix and many others are applying it on a massive world scale so you can...
February 20, 2024• DNS, Protocols